so anyway, the weekend went pretty good last week, having to go back to singapore for the easter hols. hosted a luncheon at the folks' place, which is something i've missed doing. not to mention all the free wine and turkey. and chocolate eggs. how the hell does resurrection and eggs tie together? do they both signify the beginning of new life? does jesus want to add a new food item into the list of bread and wine? am i just telling bad yokes? you tell me.
anyways, went to this church on good friday, which i haven't been to in ages. apparently in this church, once the service is over, they hoist the figure of jesus off the cross and place him, complete with robes and bandages, in a cortege and hold a funeral procession around the grounds. complete with mourners and weeping women of jerusalem. it's kinda like watching 'the passion of christ' with bad actors.
overall, it was pretty interesting to watch so i took the liberty of taking pics of the event while others were looking at me like i was some kind of pagan paparazzi. hey stop judging me. its not as if jesus was watching or anything.
Woman of Jerusalem.
Symbol of the Cross with the Bloodied Cloth
Approaching Procession.
The Cortege
The 'Body' of Christ
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