Saturday, June 12, 2010

Serendipity and then some.

a getaway to forget your cares. thats exactly what langkawi was. well to my best anyway. boy did i forget much when i was there. thank you cheap booze for making me feel like a $2 tramp. god knows what happened on that beach that night. though, the stars and the crashing waves did wonders to calm the hell outta me.

and that's when i found myself. that night, under those stars and on that beach. with a certain friend telling me how awesome this night was. i didnt pay attention to him at the least, sorry. all i know is i was hit so hard by existentialism that i could not even absorb the sheer reality of the present situation. now im not one of those guys who just appreciate beauty for beauty's sake but it's just one of those times that you really become grateful for being alive. and you want to make something out of this life. because it only comes around once. although, thinking back, from the ghastly amount of money spent, i don't really feel the need to go on living anyway.
heh heh. just a little joke. got a couple bucks on ya? heh heh. another joke. heh. no seriously?

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