Friday, January 22, 2010

Are You OhKKK?

you know how Israeli intelligence groups like the Mossad or US's CIA or Britain's M16 or even Malaysia's own Special Branch have systematically sent in agents to terminate 'undesirables' like Saddam Hussein or Anwar Sadat or Kim Jong Il or some lady in a hat?

Here's my question: why can't some agency take out people like these? and i don't mean take out like "hiiii..can i take you out for chinese or mexican tonight?"
i mean take out as in KABLAM! take out. you get the idea.

why are these people allowed to roam and ramble and spread their hate everywhere they go? honestly it's people like these that make me just lose hope in humans.

DISCLAIMER: i don't mean to incite anyone to any sort of violence by this. i don't condone violence. if you want to get some of these people, it's strictly by your actions alone. so have fun. :D

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