Sunday, June 28, 2009

Thought for the Sunday II

"The throne shall never be empty; the country shall never be without a monarch, the King is dead, Long live the King! Le Roi est mort, vive le Roi!" - Proclamation of Royal Obituaries.

i must first start by saying how much this news shocked and surprised the living daylights outta me come last Friday morning. i was getting ready to leave the apartment for college when my phone buzzed. thinking it was a friend or something, i casually glanced at the screen.

MUM (07:36): "michael jackson has died from cardiac arrest."
MUM (07:40): "farah fawcett died too."

at this point, my whole body went into what i like to call the 'wtf' mode. symptoms include a weak, open jaw, temporary alignment of the head to a 40 degree angle, eyes almost bulging and consistent muttering of rhetorical questions under one's breath. all this was just for michael btw. yeah so farah fawcett died. boo hoo. hey, the show's called 'charlie's angels' for a reason. completely slipped from my mind like hot butter on a knife. anw, i immediately started thinking it was some sorta joke. i mean, come on, how could michael jackson be dead at 50? the guy sleeps in an oxygen chamber for christsakes. so i turned the telly on to the breakfast show, (kinda reliable, i figure) and bam! hits me like a freight train. murky subtexts flying from left to right. pictures of michael jackson flood the screen. then the final blow: "1958-2009"

well needless to say, i walked to college with a mixture of shock and awe, just trying to contemplate the reality of the situation.
classes kinda made me forget about his death a bit, since we were too busy laughing at random stuff. then came the long bus ride back. and hey, i did what any grieving fan would have done. i plugged in my ipod and set a michael jackson playlist. hell i ain't ashamed to say it. it's the least i could do anyway. i spent my entire childhood on michael jackson. i grew up to 'beat it', 'billie jean' and 'thriller'. not to mention i actually watched 'moonwalker'. i even take influence from his music when it comes to writing a tune. this dude's touched me in so many ways, (pun intended) hell, he's made impacts on billions of other people. so much so that i think cardiac arrest is really a bit of an anti-climax. sounds like a sissy way to go really. its like death by slipping on a banana peel. (no offense to you people who have actually died from banana peels.) michael jackson's the kind of person you'd expect to die by a flock of doves carrying him away or by spontaneously combusting.

but there i was, watching the sunset over the highway, watching the trees run me by, as the now-posthumous voice filled my ears and brought me back to the yesteryear. all i could think of was 'thanks mike' for trying your best to make this world a better place, while getting mocked for it. i'd like to believe your innocence since there is no point of making it an issue now. i admire the love you had and so unselfishly shared. the people spurned you but you never stopped loving them. for this, i say: rest in peace, michael joseph jackson. may you find the comfort and love you were looking for in another world. :(

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