Sunday, November 22, 2009

Introducing...The Jostler!

COMMISSIONER GORDON: who is this guy?

BATMAN: he creeps up on you when you sleep.


BATMAN: he places his hands in your pants.

COMMISSIONER GORDON: that's quite freaky.

BATMAN: then he jostles you. not just once, but over and over again. until you're so high on the jostling, you can't jostle anymore.

COMMISSIONER GORDON: ....that doesn't make sense.

BATMAN: it doesn't have to. the jostler never makes sense. he only jostles until you think it makes sense but it actually doesn't.


BATMAN: that's not the only thing. he jostles you till you can't even move. he jostles you quicker than you can even say the word 'jostle'

COMMISSIONER GORDON: so what do they call this guy?

BATMAN: The Jostler!

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